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Creating a New Project

Step 1: Starting a New Project

  • Dashboard: On your dashboard, click the 'New Project' button.
  • New Project Modal: A modal window will appear where you can enter project details.

Step 2: Enter Project Details

  1. Project Name: Enter a unique name for your project.
  2. Project Type: Select 'WebApp' from the available project types (WebApp, MobileApp, Copilot).
  3. Database: Choose a database for your project.
  4. Framework: Select a framework for your project.
  5. Description: Provide a brief description of your project.
  6. Save: Click 'Save' to create your project.

Step 3: Creating a User and Role

  • User Creation: Navigate to the 'Users' section to create a new user.

    • Name: Enter the user's name.
    • Phone Number: Enter the user's phone number.
    • Country: Select the user's country.
    • Region: Select the user's region.
    • Website: Enter the user's website.
  • Company Information: Click the 'Company Information' tab to enter company-specific details.

  • Social Media Information: Click the 'Social Media Information' tab to enter social media details.

  • Save User: After filling in the details, click 'Save' to create the user.

Step 4: Assigning Roles

  • Roles Section: Go to the 'Roles' section.

    • Create Role: Click the 'New Role' button.
    • Role Name: Enter a name for the role.
    • Permissions: Select the appropriate permissions for the role.
    • Assign Users: Assign users to this role.
  • Save Role: Click 'Save' to create the role and assign it to users.

Step 5: Assigning Users and Roles to Projects

  • Project Management: Go to your project management section.

    • Select Project: Choose the project you want to manage.
    • Assign Users: Assign the previously created users to the project.
    • Assign Roles: Assign the appropriate roles to each user for the project.
  • Save Assignments: Click 'Save' to finalize the user and role assignments to your project.

Advanced Features

1.Integration with External Services

  • API Integration: Integrate third-party services using the API manager.
  • Plugin Marketplace: Extend functionality with plugins from our marketplace.

2.Custom Scripting

  • Scripting Support: Add JavaScript for enhanced functionality.
  • Script Editor: Use the built-in editor to manage scripts.

3.Analytics and Monitoring

  • Real-time Analytics: Monitor performance with real-time analytics.
  • Error Logging: Identify and resolve issues quickly.

Collaboration and Version Control

Team Collaboration

  • User Roles: Assign roles and permissions to team members.
  • Comments and Feedback: Discuss changes and provide feedback within the platform.

Version Control

  • Version History: Access and revert to previous versions.
  • Branching and Merging: Work on new features and merge changes back into the main project.